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What I Believe 
About the Anglo-Saxon 


Reprinted from DESTINY MAGAZINE 

Merrimac, Massachusetts 

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Merrimac, Mass. 

Copyright 1958 
Destiny Publishers 
Menimac, Mass. 

What I Believe 
About the Anglo-Saxon 


I n stating what 1 believe about 
the Anglo-Saxon, 1 necessarily 
make reference to Race. 

This matter of Race is always a 
touchy topic with a certain type of 
mind, Nothwithstanrlirig the racial 
fact is a tremendous natural fact, we 
have never learned how properly to 
discuss it here in America. Sex, yes 
with the utmost license and irre¬ 
sponsible emphasis - but Race, noi 
We keep it out of sight and hearing 
as much as we can. In polite society 
Race is ignored as if it were a dis- 
ease. And when at times it defies our 
suppressive measures and breaks be¬ 
yond bounds, we do some of the 
strangest, most fantastic things with 

Ed. Notr: This article was originally an 
address given at the Fort Street Presby¬ 
terian Church, Detroit, Michigan, and 
was published in DESTINY for June 
1954. The information in this article is 
more needed now fhan when it first 
appeared in DESTINY due to the loose 
reasoning and careless talk feeding 
upon the propaganda which has mali¬ 
ciously subverted the so-called “race 
question, ,, We publish it again so that 
our thousands of new readers may have 
the benefit of this splendid, timeless 
presentation of the subject. 

I have observed that in our inter¬ 
racial councils, Anglo-Saxon repre¬ 
sentatives feel obliged to belittle 
their race — which is never the act 
of a thoroughbred of any race. 

In our Christian education of 
young people in social problems we 
attempt to obliterate the fact of 
race: we quote the Rible passage 
which says that "in Christ Jesus 
there is neither Greek nor Jew" — 
a piecemeal quotation, for in the 
same line the Apostle says there is 
neither male nor female — and in 
all respects an inappropriate quota¬ 
tion, for the world is not yet in 
Christ Jesus (GaL 3: 28). 

At the other extreme we have 
seen in Russia and Germany wild 
outbursts of racial interest, while in 
our own country there has always 
been a smouldering spark on one 
section of the racial front. 

Now, all of these attitudes — the 
Christian as well as the anti-social 
— are evidences of our fear to face 
the racial fact. The reason for this 
is that we have lost the key by which 
to understand the fact of Race. It is 
this fact we are going to face here, 
with the Holy Scriptures open be¬ 
fore us. And, first, let me lay down 
some fu n d ame n t a Is. 


There is such a thing as Race. It 
is one of God's facts. So deeply 
etched is it on the human family in 
strokes of physical, mental and so¬ 
cial difference, that we cannot ig¬ 
nore it except at great loss. The 
races of men profoundly differ with¬ 
in the limits of their human like¬ 
ness, as the pine tree differs from 
the elm, or the palm tree from the 
oak. Nothing is gained by conceal¬ 
ing or minimizing or apologizing 
for one of God's most patent facts. 


There is such a thing as racial 
superiority , Every race has it in 
special particulars. In the garden of 
God each flower has its own beauty 
of form and color — and the human 
race is a garden of God. Here in 
Detroit we live with too many of 
the sons and daughters of the vari¬ 
ous races of men not to know that. 
High types of character appear in all 
the races. The heroes of every race 
are alike in the stature of the spirit. 

There is such a thing as racial 
destiny. No student of the Bible, nor 
any observer of human history, can 
doubt this. The seed fulfills its na¬ 
ture. Climate may favor or retard 
but never change the essential na¬ 
ture of the seed. Its whole value in 
the scheme of things depends on its 
fulfilling its own destiny. Nothing 
is fraught with more tragic conse¬ 
quence to the world today than for 
a race or people to pretend to be 
some other people by imitating 
them. We have only begun to under¬ 
stand the destiny of race — our 
studies in this vast field of God's 
diverse predestination have scarcely 
opened. One inevitable result of my 
own studies in the destiny of Anglo- 
Saxon-Israel has been to drive me to 

consider the destinies of all other 
races which accompany Israel 
through this pilgrimage of time. 

I speak of God's predestination of 
races. A Presbyterian church is a 
good place to use that word “pre- 
destination. ,, Our fathers made a 
certain use of it at times. Today, 
however, we feel that truth requires 
us to modify in some degree the con¬ 
clusions some of them were wont to 
draw. Gur Scriptures never taught 
that souls are elected to eternal sal¬ 
vation or predestined to eternal 
damnation. Yet the doctrine of pre¬ 
destination is an irreducible doc¬ 
trine of the Scriptures. However, it 
concerns service and not the indi¬ 
vidual's eternal fate. There is racial 
and national and, in the case of 
chosen souls, personal election to 
special service — the hard burden 
which God lays on those whom He 
drafts to be the instruments of His 
earthly purpose. I think the great 
Apostle Paul would be somewhat re¬ 
lieved to know today that we are at 
last catching what he was saying in 
his massive argument on predestina¬ 
tion. He gave m a greaL key tn the 
question of race. 

There is general confusion as to 
what constitutes racial descent. Men 
divided themselves where no real 
division exists. Many of us have lost 
our true family tree. Because we 
bear different national names and 
speak with different tongues, we be¬ 
gin to think we are different peoples. 
This does not follow. We may grow 
in different parts of the world, as 
trees of the same species in far 
separated forests, and yet be of one 
racial family. Mankind is not divid¬ 
ed into races, as we are fond of say¬ 
ing — mankind is united into races, 
and the peace of the world today 
rests in some measure on our finding 


our racial unity which overlaps na¬ 
tional divisions and the separation 
of divers tongues. We are fond of 
speaking of the English-speaking 
peoples. As we use the term now it 
is another mark of separation. The 
English-speaking peoples do not 
comprise those whose native lan¬ 
guage is our noble English, nor even 
those who with us have adopted it 
as their tongue and that of their 
children, The English-speaking peo¬ 
ple comprise all those whose souls 
respond to the ideals of political, 
religious and economic liberty which 
our language preeminently en¬ 
shrines. The English-speaking peo¬ 
ple are not all enrolled yet; there 
is a great multitude yet to come. 
We prox/e our descent by the calls 
we answer. Ancestral voices still 
wake an answering echo in our souls 
when we hear the great shibboleths 
of our own people. 

The Bible is the only reliable ra¬ 
cial guide I know. It rails the roster 
of the peoples, names them, gives 
the place assigned to each in God's 
plan for the earth. The Bible is the 
only place I know where races are 
evaluated without being written 
down. Almost every race named in 
the Bible is in the world today, and 
almost eveiy race in the world today 
is to he found in the Bible. Dead 
races, dead religions, dead economic 
systems have no place in the Bible 
— it is the great guide-book of con¬ 
temporary life. 

According to our Scriptures — 
and they are preeminently our Scrip¬ 
tures; that is why they have so 
deeply rooted themselves in the 
Anglo-vSaxon-Israel peoples most of 
all — I say, in our Scriptures, God 
is represented as selecting races for 
special purposes, and selecting one 
race for a very special purpose; but 

He is not represented as marking 
down the human values of any race. 
The idea of a chosen people, a 
people chosen to do special work in 
the world, is an idea that permeates 
every page and every part of the 
Bible, Mosaic, prophetic, Christian 
and Apostolic. Never in its pages 
are we outside the thought of a 
Chosen People, but never in all its 

pages do we feel the breath of boast¬ 
ful racial superiority. To be a 
Chosen People, or a chosen indi¬ 
vidual, is not a garland on the brow; 
it is a heavy burden on the back. 
It is to be bound and sold and de¬ 
livered over to an arduous, never- 
ending service in behalf of other 

And so heavy is the burden that 
the Chosen People have always tried 
to escape from the pressure and the 
finality of the choice. They are not 
chosen because they are better than 
other peoples — the Scriptures 
plainly tell them that; but when 
they seek to evade their work they 
suffer mure than any other people, 
because the work for which they 
have been chosen is so important 
in the Divine providence for the 
world. It is no easy position to oc¬ 
cupy, It carries a double responsi¬ 
bility. Us path is hedged by the 
sharpest thorns. Other races may 
wander at their will; the Servant 
must bow its back to God's unremit¬ 
ting burden. 

Now the Bible, as a whole, is not 
the history of the human race; it is 
the history, past, present and future 
of one family of one of the races , 
chosen, predestined, bound to the 
service of all the others. 


That race, of course, is Israel. The 
Covenant of God which sets up its 


peculiar status is plainly written in 
the Bible. Two-thirds of the Bible 
is like a jumbled jig-saw puzzle un* 
less wc know this. Religious people 
live in a small section of one hemi- 
sphere of their religion for want of 
this. The Covenant of God setting 
aside the people to their work de¬ 
pended on nothing this people did. 
They were God s peculiar property 
and He undertook to compel them 
to play their part. The whole pecu¬ 
liarity of their history is just this 
compulsion of their God upon 
them. That makes their destiny as 
distinct among the sons of men as 
the Gulf Stream is distinct in the 
ocean — indeed, this people is a 
racial Gulf Stream flowing through 
the ocean of the human race, and 
blessing every shore it touches, be¬ 
cause it is the bearer, the conveyor 
of influence from another clime, 
'This race was the moral arid mis¬ 
sionary race, and still is; the medi¬ 
um of God’s word in the Holy 
Scriptures; the hearer of God's eco- 
nomic law to the world; the lamp 
that carries His light to the dim 
places of the earth — teachers, pro¬ 
viders, civilizers, governors, libera¬ 
tors and priests. This is their status, 
and they are to endure in it till the 
end of time. 

Where is that people today? This 
is not a religious question. The 
Church was not the first to ask it. 
The Church until recently has been 
content with a partial and mislead¬ 
ing answer to this question where 
it has been asked at all. The chal¬ 
lenge came from outside. It is a 
strange fact, which has always made 
me much ashamed, that the eyes of 
unbelief read this Bible of ours with 
keener scrutiny than we use. They 
have seen this Covenant compulsion 
stated in the Book. They have anal¬ 

yzed the destinies laid upon the 
shoulders of this people. They bring 
up a hundred “Thus salth the Lord 51 
unconditionally, absolutely contract¬ 
ing to do certain world-shaking 
things through this people — and 
they say, as they have a right to say, 
Where is this people? 

The Church points feebly to the 
Jew. But the challenger counters 
With the fact that all these things 
pertain to Israel and that Israel left 
Judah in the year 935 n.c., and 220 
years later was deported from the 
land of Israel arid apparently lost 
to history. And the challenger adds, 
with crushing truth, that the jews 
are not fulfilling, never have ful¬ 
filled and, so far as we can see, can¬ 
not fulfill any of the destinies so 
solemnly pronounced upon Israel. 
It has been a great problem. 

Where is this Israel, upon whose 
destiny the history and prophecy ol 
the Bible so largely rests? There is 
one thing we should have noticed 
long ago, and that is that the work 
which Israel was predestined to do 
in the world has been done and is 
being done today in its most marked 
features. The ancient prophetic des¬ 
tiny is being fulfilled by someone 
fitted to do it and driven to do it 
as unerringly as the planets are 
driven in their orbits. And while 
this work is being done, and being 
done mostly by our own people as 
we discover, you and I have been 
going around referring to ourselves 
as Gentiles. There are the Jews and 
here are the Gentiles. We are not 
Jews, therefore we must be Gentiles. 
We never think of Israel — though 
Israel's work is being done all 
through the world today, according 
to the Word of God preserved in 
these Scriptures, 

My friends, you would learn a 


great deal about this matter by the 
simple expedient of taking your 
Bible and hying to prove out of its 
■pages that you are a Gentile . And 
the chances are you would learn as 
much by taking your racial position 
and trying to prove by that that you 
are a Gentile. You will soon find 
Israel rising on your vision, I have 
learned how to sit still in church 
when the minister carelessly refers 
to Abraham as a Jew and Moses as 
a few, and Joshua as a jew, and 
Samuel and David and Elijah and 
Ilosea and St. Paul — all of whom 
were of Israel but were not Jews; 
yet 1 hardly think that so much 
Scriptural inaccuracy is justified 
merely to discipline me in a minor 
Christian patience. Judah is iri the 
world — that we know. Israel's pre¬ 
destined work in the world is being 
done — who is doing it? 


Now among the peoples of the 
world today, one of the most notice¬ 
able, from whatever continent you 
take you** point of view, is the 
Anglo-Saxon* He is today the storm- 
center of the Race Question. He 
represents the only race which, in 
the aggregate, has solved the racial 
question, because he has included 
them all in his service to humanity. 
More nonsense is uttered concerning 
this race than of any other. All ra¬ 
cial boasting is nonsense, when it 
is not something worse. I am no 
proponent of the unscientific Nordic 
theory. The false racial prophets 
call us Nordic because some of our 
component tribes came from the 
North from the Scandinavian coun¬ 
tries. And so they did. But where 
were they before that? They call us 
Caucasians because they find traces 
of us in the East near the Caucasus. 

Oi course our people were there, 
but where before that? They call us 
Aryans, Angles, Saxons, Goths, Bri- 
tanni, and what not. all of which 
are names of our way-stations and 
not of our origin. Say Anglo — and 
you think of England. Say Saxon 

— that has a Teutonic association 
in our minds. But we came into 
England, and we came into tSaxony 

— from where? These are not our 
names. These are the names of 
places through which we have 

The dominant stock in this coun¬ 
try is the British stock, but our 
fathers did not originate in Britain, 
they met there and merged there* 
and came out thence to America 
and Australia and Africa and the 
Islands of the sea — and many of 
our fathers did not come to Britain 
At all; they remained in Bohemia, 
ihe men who stood with Huss; they 
remained in Germany, the men who 
stood by Luther; they remained in 
the east countries* the Gaels of 
Galatia, for example, the men to 
whom Paul wrote his epistle, they 
remained in Italy, 1 have read a 
letter from an Italian nobleman 
whose wife is a lady-in-waiting to 
the Queen, who tells me where he 
originated, and he originated pre¬ 
cisely where 1 did, in the same tribe 
of people — yet today we think of 
the Italian strain as quite different 
from an Anglo-Saxon strain, but it 
isn't* Our roots are the same, and 
I could not name to you a progres¬ 
sive people in which our strain, our 
srock, is not found. And this is pre¬ 
cisely what the Bible slates as re¬ 
gards Israel. 

Now the mystery of the Anglo- 
Saxon and the mystery of Israel can¬ 
cel each other out in a very striking 
way. That is, they resolve them- 

selves into one. And that, I think, 
is a great discovery, It explains too 
many problems and fits too many 
facts to be regarded merely as an 
interesting speculation. Above all 
things it is not a bit of antiquarian 
research, but leaps at once to the 
key position in the present problems 
of our people. 

If any notion that this is a fan¬ 
tastic theory comes into our minds, 
we must charge it, not to what we 
have here, but to our topsy-turvy 
notions of the Bible and history. 
Why should it be incredible that so 
great a nation as Israel, with so 
great a destiny, should survive in 
the world? Other nations have sur¬ 
vived. A nation twin-born with 
Israel has survived. Do you remem¬ 
ber the birth of Esau and Jacob, 
and what was foretold of the people 
that should spring from their loins? 
Put aside the destiny of Jacob and 
Israel for a moment -— look at 
Esau, It was plainly said that he 
should be outside the Covenant of 
God for Israel, though he was 
Isaac's first born, it was plainly said 
that he should dwell among the 
stony hills and live by the sword, 
that he should break off the yoke 
of his brother Israel and become his 
enemy. And all that has come to 

Esau became an anti-Israel power 
that endures to this day. He struck 
at Moses and at Joshua and at 
David. He helped at the sack of 
Jerusalem and manned the roads to 
slay the fleeing people of Israel. 
The prophets and historians tell us 
all about Esau, which is Edom. In 
the days of Greek power the name 
of Edom was changed to Idumea. 
Once again in the days of the Mac¬ 
cabees, Judah attacked Esau-Edotn- 

The Esau race was then amalga¬ 
mated with the Jews, and began 
their terrible work of corrupting the 
Jewish religion from within until, 
in the days of Christ, that religion 
was a mockery. It was Esau that 
gave us the terrible race of the Her- 
ods of New Testament infamy. The 
Herod that killed the babes of 
Bethlehem was a descendant of 
Esau, The Herod that killed John 
the Baptist was a descendant of 
Esau. The Herod that mocked Jesus 
on His trial was a descendant of 
Esau. The Herod that killed the 
Apostle James, and locked up the 
Apostle Peter to kill him after 
Easter, was a descendant of Esau. 

There, then, is one line enduring 
and fulfilling its nature. Why should 
?iot the Israel line have endured 
also? Of course, we know from the 
Bible where Esau's dwelling was to 
be — he was to remain in the old 
lands. And we know from the same 
Bible that Israel was to concentrate 
on the Isles and from thence spread 
over the world. Edom was always to 
know its descent, as Judah was al¬ 
ways to know his. But Israel was to 
lose its very name and the record of 
its descent until far-off times, which 
times we have now reached. And as 
Esau is now in the world, so is 
Israel — facing the Esau world and 
slowly overcoming and dominating 
Esau with power and civilizing in¬ 
fluence. So far as the continuance 
and unvarying identity of peoples 
is concerned, you have only to look 
at Esau; but for die Word of God 
and its racial agent in the world to¬ 
day, you must /bid JsraeL 

That task has now been done. We 
know who and where and what Is¬ 
rael is, and how he reached his 
present status. The marks of Israel, 
what he was to do and where he was 


to be in the latter days, are plainly 
indicated in the Scriptures; you 
have only to find the modern people 
bearing those marks to know who 
Israel is. And that will lead you 
straight to the Anglo-Saxon-Cekic 
and kindred peoples, and pockets of 
those people in almost every nation 
-— the lovers of light and liberty, a 
mighty host throughout the earth. 

Guess-work has no part in this. 
Every avenue has been explored 
with scientific thoroughness. We 
know that centuries before Christ 
there came by sea strange people 
from the East to Ireland, along the 
trade routes well-known throughout 
the ancient world. And from colo¬ 
nics of these people along the north¬ 
ern and southern coasts of the Medi¬ 
terranean, other peoples of the same 
stock came to Ireland, and over¬ 
flowed to Scotland, and went down 
into England. They did great traffir 
with the tin mines of Cornwall, The 
traditions of Ireland are full of 
those people, and of the Prophet 
Jeremiah, who fled there on the 
downfall of Judah, Now, Jeremiah 
was a prophet to Judah; but did 
you ever meet a Jew named Jere¬ 
miah? And did you ever see an Irish 
family that lacked a boy named 
Jerry, or Jeremiah? These came by 
the sea. 

Upon the total breakup of the 
Kingdom of Israel, and the deporta¬ 
tion of the people to Assyria, an¬ 
other great movement occurred. 
When Babylon attacked Assyria and 
threw that empire into confusion, 
Israel simply walked out toward the 
place where they knew their people 
were assembling in the Isles, This 
was the long landward movement to 
the west. The fact is amply marked 
all along the way. 

But if you may object: "There 

is nothing in history about Israel 
moving west in such a manner/' the 
answer is: "Not under that name, 
of course," Look at the monuments 
which record the tong years — more 
than a century — of Israel's life in 
Assyria, and you will see what Is¬ 
rael's name was at that time, They 
are called the Khumri, the House 
of Omri, named after King Omri of 
Israel, one of the internationalist 
kings who helped Israel's downfall 
by corrupting the economic system 
of the Lord into the economic sys¬ 
tem you and I live under today. 
With that name, in its changing 
forms, you can follow this people 
across Europe for a thousand years, 
until, tribe by tribe, they made their 
way into the Isles, and there re¬ 
newed their strength, and became 
the people who overflowed into 
America, and set up the great Com¬ 
monwealth foretold as far back as 
the time of Jacob. 

It is not my purpose in this brief 
address to take you over every step 
of the way, but 1 trust one result 
will be to show you that there is a 
way and that competent research has 
discovered the steps, and that Israel 
is now a great people fulfilling its 

Bible readers should always have 
known more about this than they 
do. When they heard Isaiah uttering 
his eloquent prophecies concerning 
the Isles of the West, they should 
have looked in that direction. 
Christopher Columbus tells us that 
it was the prophecies of Isaiah that 
set him to look for lands in the 
West. More than any science he had, 
so he tells us, it was the prophecies 
that set his sail for him, Columbus 
wrote a book on the prophecies. 

And where people read of Jonah 
going down to Joppa and buying a 

ticker for Tarshish, which is on the 
northwest coast of Spain facing the 
Atlantic, they should have known 
how wide and well-established the 
traffic of that day was, and what 
great travel from Palestine to the 

And when they read God's prom¬ 
ise through the prophets that King 
David's house should be established 
far in the future in another land 
than Palestine, whence it would be 
moved no more, they ought to have 
paid some heed to that solemn and 
important word. 

And when they read that the 
Apostle Paul made even Rome a 
place of less importance in his evan¬ 
gelistic tours than was Spain to him, 
they should have taken the hint — 
for just when the Church was scat¬ 
tered by the persecutions of Jeru¬ 
salem and in Palestine, there ap¬ 
peared a church at Glastonbury, 
England, and the early Church 
councils record without a dissenting 
voice that Paul preached the Gospel 
in the Britannic Isles. Paul Followed 
the track of Israel. He did not 
preach to Gentiles — but to Israel 
in the nations. Gentiles had no 
background which would enable 
them to understand the things of 
which Paul writes in his epistles. 

Many were the signals of this 
truth, had we but seen them. 

It is from this people that we 
Americans spring, American Israel 
began in the central English shires, 
nurtured by a Providence that 
equals anything recorded of the 
Israelites in Egypt shepherded 
across the Atlantic by providences 
so strange that they compel the 
astonishment of historians — a 
Providence that at last settled them 
on the bleakest part of Lhe American 
coast, far from the place they in¬ 

tended, but, by a marvellous coinci¬ 
dence, if you will (Divine direction, 
1. would say), the only place where 
those 101 men, women and children 
could have been safe from savage 
onslaught because a plague had 
swept away the Massachusetts In¬ 
dians three years before — and they 
evaded the spot as a ecu rsed. If our 
Old Testament were lost, the Israel 
story of God’s leading could be al¬ 
most entirely reconstructed from 
God's dealings with our Israel 
fathers in the settlement of America. 
Our fathers spoke of themselves as 
Israel, as God's planting — it was 
the soul of Israel answering their 
ancestral prophets, Israel walked 
right out of the pages of Bible his¬ 
tory into the actualities of modern 
history, bearing the same destinies 
on their shoulders, under the direc¬ 
tion of the same Jehovah. The road 
from Samaria runs straight through 
to Plymouth, Mass. All the roads of 
the Bible run right out into the 
world and keep on running through 
the remotest readies of time. 


So that, from the evidence of the 
Bible, and of history, and the ab 
ways-predict able final attitudes of 
our people, I believe the Anglo- 

Saxon-Ccltic and kindred peoples to 
be those descendants of Israel which 
bear a special mission from the God 
of heaven and earth, which they 
must discharge. I know what we 
have been in the past, to what ex¬ 
tent we have borne the light of the 
Gospel to the nations. 

I know that our race guards the 
strategic places of the earth today, 
and the peace of the world, as was 
foretedd. I know we have given, in 
Magna Ghana and in the Declara¬ 
tion of Independence, the charter of 


liberty to all the heirs of freedom* 
We have unlocked the wealth of the 
earth* We have vanquished disease* 
We have let the slaves go free. The 
Sabbath of Israel is our distinctive 
institution, The Bible among us is 
the people's booh, In spite of our 
folly, in spite of our sin, these are 
facts about us, under the Divine 
leading and compulsion. And these 
are some of the numerous marks of 

But I believe that because of these 
very facts, because of our very iden¬ 
tity, we utc set in these strange 
times for a new service to the peo¬ 
ples. Israel has the law of God, the 
only way out of the present chaos. 
And Israel is now being driven back 
and back upon the law. Slowly we 
turn our faces toward it again* If 
our rulers only knew themselves as 
princes in Israel, ir they only knew 

that our liberation from this eco¬ 
nomic turmoil is plainly charted in 
Israel’s law, how speedily we could 

lead humanity into a new develop¬ 
ment of freedoml I believe people 
and rulers alike are on the threshold 
of this very discovery. That is why 
we teach it and preach it and print 
it with confidence. Because our peo¬ 
ple are from of old the gateway 
of predestined blessing, and because 
we are not quickly opening the 
gate, the thunder of the Divine 
hand is heard knocking on all our 
edifices* and the Divine voice is 
calling, "Open! Openl and let the 
blessing flow!" 

And we shall open. We shall! It 
is God’s imperative word concerning 
us — shall — we shall take up once 
more the hard duty which He lays 
upon His chosen people, the Servant 
Race of all the races* 


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DAY OF VISITATION, This is a reprint of the following articles 
originally published in DESTINY: 

The Day of His Preparation 

From Chaos to Restoration 

The Great Pyramid of Gizeh 

The Mystery of the King's Chamber 

It Will Surely Come 

Displacement Overcome 

The Greater and Lesser Sheepfolds 

Here is timely information for these climactic times in which the 
chronology of the Great Pyramid, the Mornings and Evenings and 
the period of Jacob's trouble are shown to perfectly synchronize 
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